Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hi from Melbourne, Australia! Here's a site for pastors, ex-pastors, church leaders and their spouses - indeed thoughtful people in or out of the church, who want to think more maturely/critically about the Christian faith.

This is a large site, so regular visitors tend to start with the New Articles section. Links to all my Blogs are here. My latest writings can be found here, including my latest work-in-progress - A Litany for a Sleepless Hour. If you'd like to contact me about counseling or a two-day retreat feel free to email me.

If you'd like to make this your homepage, here's how. Your prayers and donations are always welcome. I do not draw a stipend/salary: all donations (including those derived from your clicking on Google ads: but note I do not always agree with the theological stance of the Google-bot!) go to the Urban Neighbours of Hope Mission, and other ministries.

I have an e-list of friends to whom I send - about once a month - a guide to seminal articles on this site, plus other assorted news/wisdom/bits and pieces. Email me if you'd like to be added to this list (or taken off it).

Thanks to our webcrew - Matt, Bradley and Lawrence - for their help in developing/maintaining this site. (Sometimes I'm asked: 'How many 'hits' does the site get?' Answer: currently about 2.5 million a month; a better measure: about 8,000+ unique visitors each week-day, 6000+ most days on weekends).

Shalom! Rowland Croucher
(Director, John Mark Ministries)

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